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Project of Management for Waste Clearance, Disposal and Recycling Organizations in 2019

This project was carried out from March 27th, 2019 to December 31st, 2019. The propose included capacity analysis, counselling visits, and recommendations for improved management from waste clearance, disposal and recycling organizations. This projects had reached as below: 1.As a reference and suggestion for the management of public or private waste clearance and disposal organizations, this project had regularly collected, compiled and analyzed the status of clearance, disposal and recycling organizations and analyzed the status for point disposal methods (landfill and incineration) and point wastes (sludge and solvents). 2.This project had compared the managements and regulations from each organizations and analyzed common illegal events to feedback and analyze the management strategies and recommendations. 3.This project had completed 11 visits to the waste clearance and disposal organizations (including the processing organization in the application), and regularly tracked the progress of the disposal organizations in the application to provide management recommendations for improving the services quality of clearance and disposal organizations. 4.In addition to assist to upgrade the current function of WCDS (E-disposal permit and online price listing) and maintain the system, this project also assisted to preside over three sessions of education and training for environmental protection agencies and improved the quality of the website and services.
“Waste Clearance, Disposal and Recycling Organizations”, “Inspection and Guidance”, “Recycled aggregates”